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What is Music Therapy



      Music is the medicine of the soul, crossing all cultures, languages, and a range of emotions. Music Therapy is a clinical and evidenced-based healthcare profession, that combines the power of music with skilled therapeutic interventions to address the physical, emotional, cognitive, and social needs of individuals. Through musical involvement in the therapeutic context, clients' abilities are strengthened and transferred to other areas of their lives. Music therapy also provides avenues for communication that can be helpful to those who find it difficult to express themselves in words.


Music therapy interventions can be designed to:

  • Promote Wellness

  • Manage Stress

  • Alleviate Pain

  • Express Feelings

  • Enhance Memory

  • Improve Communication

  • Promote Physical and Cognitive Rehabilitation

  • Increase Positive Self-Image

  • Assist in Emotional Well-Being



What is Music Therapy

Empyreal Essence Music Therapy 


                           em·py·re·al - deriving from a tranquil and serene place


    Empyreal Essence music therapy services take honor in exemplifying and delivering an esteemed standard of quality of care. Our music therapists combine the empyreal essence within themselves and the empyreal phenomenon of music to help individuals and groups to obtain their desired non-musical goals. Here at Empyreal Essence, we have witnessed the powerful transformations that have taken place within the field of music therapy and affirm to further its advocacy and expand its laudable legacy. Empyreal Essence music therapists promote compassion, exhibit empathy for others, utilize positive thinking and mindfulness to help facilitate healthy relationships, and maintain the essential tool of active listening at the forefront of their music therapy practice with all of their clients. Our music therapist create music-based interventions for individuals and groups to address emotional, physical, behavioral, cognitive, and spiritual needs. 


Our Founder

     I am a Georgia state licensed, board-certified music therapist, with a Bachelors degree in Music from Florida A & M University, as well as, a Master’s degree in Music Therapy from Florida State University. I have experience working with hospice patients and their families; grief counseling, palliative patients, children with special needs, individuals with substance abuse, at-risk youth, mental health, wellness and family counseling.

    I have always loved music! My grandmother told me that ever since I could speak, I would sing along and dance to the music playing in the car. Throughout my life, music has had an immense role in my growth and development. Music has been my solitude, my source of wisdom, my place for enjoyment, and a place to showcase my creativity. Music has journeyed with me through the joyful times as well as the more challenging times and has proven to me on a personal and academic level that it is healing and life-giving.

    My other passion is helping people and being a source of counsel. Innately I gravitated towards providing a safe and an empyreal space to promote self-actualization, positive thinking, and mindful living. I decided to establish Empyreal Essence to combine the gifts of music and therapeutic empathy to assist others in transforming their lives and meeting their targeted goals through the profession of music therapy!




Akiyla Mc Queen

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